Blog 98. Cry/Call Out vs. Complain vs. Murmur 

There are many words indicating the above list of verbs. This Blog was first inspired by the people’s complaints in the wilderness, but covers much more than that. As you progress, you may see that the more positive “calling out” words (the ones to which the LORD (יהוה) responds), seem to be associated with salvation ישע and ישועה and commands צוה. (And …

Blog 97. Acacia Overlaid and Offenses 

To overlay: See three Hebrew words and one Greek word here on the screenshot. ➙ ח – AHLB – tent wall, protect, divide TWHA – The symbol of transcendence, divine grace, and life DeviantArt – A fence, inner room or chamber, to separate, to cut off from, to protect ➙ פ – AHLB – speak and blow, the edge of something (lip) TWHA – The symbol of speech and silence DeviantArt – A mouth, opening or entrance, to command, speak, open, a beginning, here, present  ➙ צ – AHLB – side of …